Gestalt Language Processors have a unique relationship with screen time.

Screen time is often the source of gestalts, or delayed echolalia, for GLPs that are later used for communication and regulation.

GLPs learn new language, concepts, and ideas from their engagement with media in the form of TV shows, videos, songs, and movies.

While all parents are concerned with setting screen time limits, parents of GLPs are tasked with understanding their child's gestalts that originate from screen time, as gestalts are not always literal.

Those who support GLPs are often told to "do the detective work," to figure out what their child's gestalts mean. With enough on their plates already, it's no wonder this advice has left caregivers feeling overwhelmed. But there's good news-

I created this guide to help you understand your child's screen time interests and gestalts!

Want to better understand your GLP?

I created this guide because so many parents and professionals have asked, "how do I know what my child means by gestalts they learned from shows?"

In this workbook, I will take you through my step-by-step process that will leave you feeling more connected with your GLP and ready to support their ongoing language development.

Get your copy today!